Concord Casino owner arrested, accused of pandemic relief fraud — CDC Gaming

Thursday, October 17, 2024 6:18 PM

Image aggregated from Concord Monitor.

  • Sruthi Gopalakrishnan, Concord Monitor

Andy Sanborn, a former state senator and owner of Concord Casino, was arrested Wednesday and charged with misappropriating and fraudulently using pandemic relief funds, according to the New Hampshire Attorney General’s office.

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The arrest warrant accuses Sanborn of misrepresenting the revenue of his casino in Concord to receive additional money from the state of New Hampshire’s Main Street Relief Fund, an economic support for small businesses during COVID-19.

“Andy Sanborn distorted the casino’s gross receipts and this falsification resulted in Win Win Win and Andy Sanborn receiving $188,474.33 more in grant monies than the amount to which they were due under the grant formula,” the Attorney General’s Office said in a statement.

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