Arkansas Supreme Court dismisses challenge to ballot measure on casinos

Arkansas Supreme Court dismisses challenge to Issue 2, the ballot measure on casinos

Thursday, the Arkansas Supreme Court rejected the second of two parts of a lawsuit brought against a ballot measure on casinos.This means votes on Issue 2 will count in the general election.The group challenging Issue 2 claimed the ballot title and language were misleading. The court disagreed.The court rejected the first part of the lawsuit earlier this week. It claimed canvassers were improperly being paid by the number of signatures gathered.If approved by voters, Issue 2 would stop a planned casino in Pope County near Russellville.In order for another casino to ever open in Arkansas, Issue 2 would require voter approval in a future statewide election and then additional voter approval in the specific county where the casino would be located.2024 General Election Voter Guide | Ballot Issue 1 (Lottery Scholarships) | Ballot Issue 2 (Casino Licensing) | Ballot Issue 3 (Medical Marijuana) | US House | State Senate | State House | Local Races & Issues

Thursday, the Arkansas Supreme Court rejected the second of two parts of a lawsuit brought against a ballot measure on casinos.

This means votes on Issue 2 will count in the general election.

The group challenging Issue 2 claimed the ballot title and language were misleading. The court disagreed.

The court rejected the first part of the lawsuit earlier this week. It claimed canvassers were improperly being paid by the number of signatures gathered.

If approved by voters, Issue 2 would stop a planned casino in Pope County near Russellville.

In order for another casino to ever open in Arkansas, Issue 2 would require voter approval in a future statewide election and then additional voter approval in the specific county where the casino would be located.

2024 General Election Voter Guide | Ballot Issue 1 (Lottery Scholarships) | Ballot Issue 2 (Casino Licensing) | Ballot Issue 3 (Medical Marijuana) | US House | State Senate | State House | Local Races & Issues

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